Dear Client,
There are many reasons to hire a photographer. Sometimes you need something informal or other times you want to make yourself shining. You wish to create timeless family memories or maybe it is a vital part of your business. No matter what the reason is, we photographers work hard and we love what we do!
Often clients have little idea that our job is very thoughtful and takes hours or days of preparation, execution and post-production. We invest thousands of euros in gears, props and equipment into our business. It is an art and a process that requires skills, dedication and long working hours.
We listen to your wishes, goals and ambitions. We look at the light, at your clothes, your best angle and we guide you through the session. We take care of your makeup, hairstyle and overall look. We scout the best locations. We go through hundreds of images looking for the best ones that reflect who you are and why you hired us. Not to forget that 95% of the time your project involves the work and time of other people too.
Maybe you wonder why we make a big deal about the perfect wall, the perfect tree, the perfect corner or the right background color. A photo is made of many elements and what is around you if one of them.
When you call us for a session, we take our time researching, planning and understanding who you are. We take notes during our conversation to capture your strengths, what restrictions you have, or do not have, and what your project is all about.
By the time we pick up the camera and take the very first shoot, we had already worked several hours picking the best light, the best location and the best equipment that match your budget and project scope.
It is not just clicking on the camera shutter; it is a dedicated and tailored process.
When the shooting is done, we handpick your best shoots out of hundreds of images. It might take two, three or four selection rounds to make sure that only the best of best is selected. Then hours are spent on post-processing each pre-selected image accordingly to scope of your project. No one-click correction, no automatic corrections, no magic software used, no magic editing. Images are individually edited from start to end. This is why you hired us for!
I am not complaining because I choose to earn my livings as photographer. I love, I am thankful and I am proud of what I do. On the contrary, I am just giving you a bit of the “behind the scene” of what it takes to bring your project to completion from our very first call to the final photo gallery. It is an artistic process involves a level of experience that take years to master.
There are tons of photographers out there with variable skills and specializations. Each photographer is different, but I am sure they all equally love their art. Before you hire a photographer, no matter what photographer, please consider what it really takes to be one.
It is not a simple click-and-go but days of dedication onto your project and years of hard work to be whom we are. Surely this applies to many other jobs but often we photographer are seeing like the folks with expensive gears that do the photos in automatic mode.
In the end, you chose me to photograph your baby, your family, your wedding, your album cover, your magazine or your business. I thank you for that and I feel truly honored and blessed.
However, if you like what I do please kindly respect the art and the process that in the end will make your photography project successful and unique. The best way to respect me as a professional is not only via respecting my work but also my wage because this is how I chose to earn my living.
Just remember that every image we take is special to us as it is special to you.
Thank you!